Learn scientifically proven breathing techniques to bring PERFORMANCE BREATH, FOCUS & FLOW to your team.

  • Tools to master stress

  • Increase focus and mental clarity

  • awareness of breath & body

  • DEVELOP an empowering GROWTH MINDSET

  • Improve SLEEP

Group Introductory SESSION - 30MIN - $85

TIME to learn the tools to MANAGE STRESS and help your team find BALANCE.

Due to current shelter in place orders we are forced to shift from ‘‘Set goals- Identify with results- Plan and control’’ to ‘‘Set intentions - Let go - Improvise in flow’’. This new reality can lead to panic, anxiety, and despair. What can we do ?

CULTIVATE a shift in mindset through breathwork and movement that will INCREASE your capacity to ADAPT and ENABLE you to operate with CLARITY in every decision, virtual meeting, phone call or moment of stress.

This is happening for all of us, worldwide. Now is the time to learn best practices that will MAXIMIZE THE BENEFITS of the MODERN MIND and instill mindfulness, mental focus and maybe even a bit of joy.